May 20, 2024

Is your child taking science, English or primary math tuition in Singapore? As a parent, the obligation lies in helping your child understand their lesson after class hours. In most cases, you can expect to help your child get their homework done fast without much problem.

How many times have we spent countless hours getting homework done? Even if your child is taking secondary or primary level learning, doing homework can still be an uphill battle for students, tutors and parents. Here are tips for getting homework done in no time:

1. Unplug devices

Devices that can cause distractions, such as TV and other beeps, must be unplugged to retain your child’s focus. While your child is enrolled in science or math tuition in Singapore, there must be a time when your child can focus on his homework. Distraction takes time.

2. Create a list

Help your child make a list of homework and other to-do tasks concerning their studies. Having a list helps sort out things based on their priority level for the study period. There’s less risk of getting overwhelmed with tasks. Having them organised is the best way to tackle homework.

3. Take breaks

One might think that taking breaks tends to prolong the agony of doing homework. However, many just needed a few minutes of stretching after a period of studying to feel energised. Even students taking secondary science tuition in Singapore have a handful of breaks to keep them energised. Having a break schedule and sticking to them will help prevent long breaks.

4. Stick to an allotted time for each homework

If your child has multiple homework assignments, it’s best to come up with an estimated time for completion and divide them into the number based on the amount of homework. However, make it as practical and realistic as possible.

If you are looking for a science or English tuition centre in Singapore, visit LK Academy.