May 17, 2024


The most recent step in our ever-evolving education system has been online learning. Digitalising learning is more than convenient learning, with our increasing dependency on technology it is fair to make the best out of it. And education is as good it gets. Realizing this, our current world has seen a drastic rise in demand for online learning. I’ll save you the statistics, but to take an in-depth look at this rise; here are 4 main reasons for an increase in demand for online tutions in India.

  • Convenience

The discomfort of school chairs, restricting uniforms, and droning teachers may not be the best bet at making a student comfortable. For young minds to function in a way they can effectively learn, comfort is a priority. And a fool-proof way of making students comfortable in their skin is giving them the reigns of when, where, and how they want to learn- all of which are achievable with online tuitions.

If the pandemic has made us realize anything, it is that the safety of our home can also act as a place to get work done. The comfort of your room with the amenities of an institute, create nothing short of the perfect learning environment.

  • Opportunity for self-assessment

 The first step in learning from one’s mistakes is identifying them. Having mistakes pointed out and corrected may show the student they’re wrong but not always show them where. Instead of having a marked sheet returned to them with ticks and crosses- that they are more than likely to stuff into their bags and forget about- online learning provides the independent environment that allows the students to identify their mistakes and remedy them. Check one of the best E-Learning courses in Singapore.

Study material, regular assignments, and the resources to correct one’s own work makes a student self-reliable.

  • Self-paced learning

According to me, this is the biggest boon of online learning. Unlike schools or IB tuitions, online classes allow students to hold the reigns of their learning experience. Instead of having to adjust to uncomfortable routines and grasping at threads of information, the student gets to decide the style they learn best in and the pace they learn most in. Having the freedom and experience to guide one’s own learning process shows the strength of the mind. Online learning creates a system that promotes active participation, confidence, and leadership qualities instead of herd mentality, becoming increasingly popular among the population that truly want to learn.

  • Lower costs

A recognized institute is expensive more often than not. In India, currently, parents are known to spend an approximate average of 12.5 lacs on a child’s education from the primary level. With the current economy, especially, given the pandemic, it has been increasingly more difficult to afford education. Online learning acts as a knight in shining armor on this front. A wifi/ data connection and a simple phone can easily open doors to learn great things and follow them up with actions. 

Online learning ensures that education does not stop at money, institutes, or curriculum, allowing minds to strive for growth through continuous learning.