May 18, 2024

As the cost of college tuition increases and total student debt continues to grow, scholarships can be a great asset for students. They are awarded by a mixture of groups — ranging from philanthropies and businesses to professional associations and the government. Here are a few key steps to follow to win a college scholarship.

When you’re applying to a long list of multiple different scholarships, it can be easy to mix up deadlines. Stay on schedule by using a planner, calendar app or spreadsheet to keep applications in order. If you decide to utilize the latter, include the title and link to the reward, how much it’s worth, the deadline, and any requirements within the spreadsheet. Catalog this information and share it with your parents to keep them up to date on your application progress.

It is also very important to keep any and all materials you use when applying to scholarships. This will make your future application measures significantly simpler while applying. Make sure you have your resume, cover letters, transcripts, personal essays and letters of recommendation all in one place. That way, they’ll be easy to access when you’re completing applications.

Before submitting an application, be sure to take a moment and review all materials. Use a spell and grammar checking program on the application or have someone you trust to read over your essays to catch any mistakes and offer any critique they may have. If you’re reusing material — such as a cover letter — from another scholarship application, make sure you haven’t left any incorrect names. For more data on the most proficient method to get ready, coordinate, look and apply for scholarships, see the going with infographic.