May 10, 2024

Learning English is advantageous career-wise, so it is not surprising why many enrol in an O level English tuition centre in Singapore. But if you want to learn English faster, you should continue practising it outside your O level English tuition centre. How? Through Netflix!

Watching shows and movies on Netflix is not only entertaining but also helpful in improving your English skills!

Here’s how you can improve your English outside secondary English tuition through Netflix:

1. Subtitles to improve your vocabulary

Netflix allows you to turn on subtitles on the show or movie you are watching. Not only do subtitles help you read faster, but they also expand your vocabulary. Frequently, characters throw unfamiliar words, which you can easily search in the dictionary for a definition. You can also use context clues to deduce its meaning, a trick you have learned from your PSLE English tuition.

2. Improve your listening skills

Perhaps the challenging part of learning English is following through with the person speaking. In real life, it would be awkward to ask the person to repeat themselves over and over for you to understand.

Thankfully, Netflix has a pause and replay button. You can rewind the character’s line you did not understand. Over time, you will improve your listening skills and wow your O level English tuition class.

3. Slang insider

Casual conversations in English shows will teach you slang and idiomatic expressions, such as “we’re all screwed!” or “get over it!”.

It is rarely taught in a formal O level English tuition centre in Singapore, but it is handy when talking to a native English speaker.

4. Sound like a native speaker

After a long time of watching Netflix shows and movies, you will notice that you are slowly adapting their pronunciation of words and accents. If you watch UK shows, you’ll likely get a British accent, whilst US shows teach you an American English accent.

Who would have thought you could learn English outside your secondary English tuition through Netflix?

Sharpen your English skills at Augustine’s English Classes – English Tuition & Enrichment Centre.