GMAT Eligibility is not checked automatically on the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) systems, so applicants should know their GMAT score eligibility before applying to a program.
The first step of determining whether an applicant meets GMAT requirements set by a particular college or university is finding out what GMAT code the institution uses. How do you find this information? Check with each school’s website where you want to apply because many schools list GMAC codes there. This information may also be available in printed materials, but if not, don’t worry. GMAT requirements for admissions to graduate business programs may be found on GMAC’s website, using the GMAT code search function.
Once you know the GMAC code of the institution where you want to apply, check the GMAT codes and score ranges required by different MBA programs: GMAC’s website provides a list of GMAT scores and degree programs (MBA and other) that accept each GMAT score. This information is available via the GMAC Codes Search page – type in your school’s GMAC code to find out what GMAT scores are required by its MBA program(s).
What if the applicant doesn’t have enough time for preparation? There are many websites offering tips about getting high GMAT scores within short periods. There are many free online communities where visitors can ask questions about GMAT and discuss issues concerning GMAT preparation and MBA admissions with other members of the GMAT club.
Applicants may require GMAT scores for MBA admission, or the GMAT requirement may be an obstacle to access the graduate business programs, but there are numerous options for applicants who need GMAT scores quickly. However, it’s essential not to underestimate GMAT requirements for MBA admissions at different business schools – many applicants make this mistake, which leads them to rejections or low GMAT scores in applications. Moreover, some websites offer GMAT courses based on less accurate information than official GMAC sources provide – doing so might result in even more disappointment in future.
What is the cost of the GMAT exam?
The GMAT test fee is $250 in the US and can be paid via the GMAT exam website by credit card. GMAC accepts Diners, Master Card, Visa and American Express. If you take GMAT in India or the Middle East region, then GMAT cost will be approximately Rs 15,500/-
Does GMAC accept Indian nationals for GMAT? Yes. GMAC accepts test scores from applicants from India, China, Vietnam and Korea who have been educated in English-medium institutions where instruction is English. GMAC also accepts score reports issued by international testing centres for GMAT exams taken within the last 2 years to apply to a business school that uses the GMAT exam as one of its admission requirements.
Does GMAC have GMAT practice tests?
GMAC provides free GMAT Practice Tests on its website. These are official GMAT practice tests provided by GMAC. GMAC provides 2 free GMAT Practice Tests, both of which are timed GMAT exams with 50 questions each – one is an older exam released in 2007, while the other is a more recent release created in 2014.