Traditionally enterprise learning solutions were limited to 9 to 5 jobs but companies have realized the importance of training the frontline workforce, covid disruptions have made us realize the importance of the frontline workforce as well the skill gap which needs to be overcome.
Training frontline workers can have an amazing impact on the company process but traditional training methods are not the best strategy. Companies need to understand the issues frontline workers might have and develop a better training plan.
Significance of good frontline quality workforce
Frontline workers are your brand ambassadors who directly deal with your customers. It could be nurses, delivery executives, construction staff, or retail staff. They understand your customer’s pain points. Hence, it is critical to train the frontline workforce.
A PwC report established that 73% of consumers regard customer service as one of their purchase drivers, with 65% emphasizing that customer service has a much more significant influence than costly and great advertising.
Pandemic disruptions have made us realize the importance of frontline workers and the gaps present in the system.
Due to their kind of work, it’s been established that it’s difficult to train them, and below are significant challenges face by companies.
Challenges faced in training frontline Workforce
- Continuous behavior learning
Behavior training like soft skills, interpersonal skills, and language skills are significant for frontline workers.
To achieve this, companies require a continuous collaborative learning model to make learning more effective.
- Time constraint
Even if companies implement a collaborative model, it’s challenging for frontline workers to participate in programs due to their odd working hours. Hence companies need to build flexible training programs.
- Vernacular language
Frontline workers are comfortable if training is in the language they know and will have a better impact. It has become an enormous responsibility for companies to invest and develop multi-language training methods.
- Internet connectivity
The majority of frontline workers are deskless and depend on their mobile internet to join training sessions. But slower internet and low bandwidth issues hinder the learning process.
Hence companies need to provide better options that shall enable them to access content anywhere and at any time.
- Lack of awareness about updates from HO
“There are 2.7 billion frontline workers in the world. But only 13% of them feel engaged at work.” – (Source)
There are times when managers should be present to provide timely support and regularly check in with frontline employees. But, reaching them at the right time with the right message seems to be one of the hurdles organizations face. To ensure better communication, companies need to invest in a better information-sharing platform.
Embrace a New Culture of Learning
There is a better way to engage your frontline team and overcome the challenges.
It is time for your organization to stay one step ahead of market trends and the competition.
What is Enterprise Learning Solution, and what can it do?
Enterprise Learning solution involves business-related learning content with various learning methods and enabling technologies to deliver holistic training and maximize learning outcomes across the organization.
Below are some of the solutions for the challenges as mentioned earlier,
- Social Learning and Gamification – Encourage Collaborative Behaviour learning
Gamification can increase company productivity by up to 50% and employee engagement by 60% (Source: Forbes).
Social Learning and Gamified Learning have provided positive results in behavior learning. Enterprise learning offers an online social Learning tool through which frontline workers can post common delivery issues, share their thoughts, and get real-time updates from HO.
On the other hand, frontline workers can actively participate in online quizzes, polls, leader boards, and rewards through gamified learning.
b.Single platform to learn, track and analyze
One of the significant issues in training frontline workers is the non-availability of personalized training programs, which can develop continuous and active participation in learning programs.
Enterprise Learning Platforms offer LMS solutions where Frontline workers get access to a dashboard that directs them what needs to be learned, what learning options they can choose, how much is pending, the time provided for completion of the program, etc.
- Offline Mobile Learning
Enterprise Learning solutions like Disprz have also resolved the bandwidth errors that frontline workers face by downloading and accessing the content offline through their Learning App. Online training programs can be downloaded and accessed offline anytime, anywhere. The frontline team can make use of offline learning to streamline training content when there is an internet connection problem. The offline training can still be interactive and engaging.
- Microlearning
Studies show that Microlearning improves focus and supports long-term retention by up to 80% and frontline employees don’t have much time to go through the comprehensive training material. Instead, they can learn in microlearning nuggets.L&D platforms have developed bite-sized content that helps frontline employees learn quickly and be more actively involved.
There is nothing to worry about language barriers with multi-language options, many Learning platforms provide freedom to choose their language for all learning content. For instance, your regional sales office in Tamil Nadu requires content in their local language, Tamil. What is the solution? With multi-language LMS, there is nothing to worry about language barriers as it gives the learners the freedom to choose their language.
As the business environment is changing dynamically, it is crucial to keeping abreast with trends and upskilling continuously. Keep your frontline employees future-ready by providing the most effective learning solutions! With the advent of technology, there is an unparalleled opportunity for frontline employees to gain an ideal learning experience through enterprise learning platforms.