Forty-three per cent of students in London alone use a private tutor, so something must work. Teachers don’t have as much time to spend with students on an individual basis as they once did, with UK class sizes at their most remarkable in recent years. It can prove useful to use a private tutor as it guarantees that a student covers the necessary course work and ensures that their approach to course work is right.
A personalized learning strategy
To ensure that they receive personalized service, a good tutor would
take the time to develop a study plan for each particular student.
Students are given one-to-one attention during their private tuition lessons, which encourages them to ask any questions and concentrate on particular areas of a topic they may need guidance with.
Improved School Results
Many students find that private tuition helps enhance their classroom coursework. Their motivation to do well increases as students become more confident in a subject. This can also contribute to an increase in their grades overall. What is more, it is also possible to pass some of the strategies they learn from their teacher to other subjects.
Enhanced Understanding
School courses can often move quickly, and before it’s time to move on, many students do not understand every aspect of a subject.
Students are given the ability to focus on certain subjects with private tuition that they do not entirely understand. Still, without the basics, learning becomes more and more complicated as time goes on.
Improved Confidence
Using a private tutor will also provide a much-needed trust boost for students. Tutors may easily recognize the areas in which a student will need to change because of the ‘one-to-one’ aspect of private tuition, something that students may not be able to identify on their own. Often all it takes to instil a little confidence in a student is to have a mentor understand what they do right and recommend how they can strengthen in the areas in which they fall short.
Flexible Learning
Working within the boundaries of a 9 to 5 school day for certain students does not always motivate their full learning capacity. Some students who research creative subjects discover that they perform best during the day at certain times. When it serves them, having a private tutor helps students to arrange classes.
Better Utilization Time
For students, controlling their time efficiently is one of the most significant challenges of their school career. Outside of school, they may have many other interests and juggling each of them correctly can also be challenging. A good tutor will help students come up with their own
timetables for learning and recommend when, where and how to learn.
It’s cost-effective
Private tuition is continuously rising and is worth an estimated £6 billion, according to a new study by EdPlace. Although private tuition used to be regarded as something of a luxury, demand for the service has ensured that rates are now competitively affordable.
Tutoring rates differ depending on the expertise and qualifications, but tutors tend to charge anywhere in the range of £15 – £70 per hour in general. A recent survey conducted by First Tutors indicates that £ 22 per hour is paid by the average tutor.
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