Writing for a technology blog can be like sitting in front of your computer for hours on end. It’s just part of your job. Don’t mind it though. Better that than working tirelessly with a typewriter and pen or worse yet, a phone.
But sometimes, you really hate going back and forth between phone and computer to write and/or read together. It’s okay if you have friends around to help, but you might want to take a break from time to actually sit down and write. I know I do. In that case, I try to schedule a few minutes here and there to actually sit down and work on my guest posts. This way, I always get back to my writing without forgetting all of the technical stuff I needed to include in that particular guest post.
I also try to schedule some time during the day when I’m not writing. I’ll try to plan something short and sweet to do with friends or family members. It’s nice to be able to set aside some time to chat with someone, especially if it’s just a quick hello. Writing for a guest blog isn’t much different than writing for any other blog except for the fact that you’re not writing for the main site, but rather for a guest post on another site.
When you’re writing for a technology blog, you need to keep in mind the readers of your posts. Most readers of this type of blog are on some sort of social-networking site. You need to make sure you can effectively connect with them. For example, if you’re writing a guest post on a website for a cellular company, you don’t want to talk about cell phones. You need to talk about the cellular equipment and the new features that come out to help people use their phones more effectively.
Another thing you need to keep in mind is keeping your writing simple. You don’t want to make it sound like you’re going over-the-top with information. Instead, you just need to get the core points across and then you can expand on those points in a way that doesn’t take away from the content that you have to give the reader. Many technology blogs focus too much on the newsworthy items that are being talked about in the news and that makes the reader stop reading the post to click on the link at the end in order to find out more.
A good guest blog post also needs to do two things: It needs to be informative and entertaining. You need to give the reader a little bit of entertainment along the way. If you don’t do either of these things, you won’t get many readers. The last thing any online reader wants to do is read a post that is just going to be a dry run for your own blog post or sales pitch.
Tips for writing a good pitch
- Make it informative
- Make it creative
- Create lists
- Make excellent external references
- Don’t overcomplicate your technical writing
There are also two other factors in writing a guest post for a tech site that you need to keep in mind. First off, the person you’re writing for needs to be a big fan of what you have to say. It would be a bad idea to try to write a guest article for someone who doesn’t really care about the topics you’re discussing. If the person isn’t a big fan of what you have to say in your guest blog post, you might not get many comments either
Practicing digital writing skills
Practicing digital writing skills comes more naturally to writers who are well versed in the language of words. Writing for the Internet presents itself as a challenge to writers because of its immediate and superficial nature. The Internet is more subjective in nature than is the printed word. While it may seem like the Internet is more straightforward, the language itself is full of all kinds of punctuation marks and grammatical structures that writers must be familiar with. In other words, Internet writing can be problematic.
Many writers who practice digital writing skills find themselves missing punctuation marks, unfamiliar structures, and grammar rules when they try to write for an audience of regular people. The best way to overcome these problems is to simply write what you know. This does not mean that you should abandon traditional writing techniques; in fact, those techniques are useful in this new digital age. They just need to be applied in a different way.
For instance, many websites use big blocks of text to simplify the idea behind a website’s content. However, to the writer who is unfamiliar with digital writing skills, this structure can be cumbersome. Instead, the writer can simply use descriptive words or phrases at the beginning of a paragraph that give readers a brief summary of what will be discussed in the body of the article. In this way, the introduction of the article does not interrupt the flow of the digital writing skills lesson.
Another way that writers can make the most of their digital writing skills is to create short stories and articles that focus on a single idea or concept. As you may have guessed, this technique requires that you research specific information in order to write the short story or article. In this way, you will not have to make any reference to previous topics. The reader will not have to stop and ask: “What was that?”
Another great way to maximize your digital writing skills is to use technology in order to create and distribute content. There are many types of applications available for writers to use, including word processors such as Microsoft Word, as well as blogging platforms such as WordPress. If you do not have any knowledge about the particular application, you can simply follow the instructions provided by the application. In most cases, all that is needed from you is to enter a few personal details and create a document that can be used to submit articles and to update other sites.
As you can see, there are countless ways that a person can use his or her digital writing skills to express themselves creatively. No matter what type of writing that you do, there is nothing that you cannot do. In fact, you might even find that you have more ways to use these skills then you had ever thought possible. All that it takes is a little imagination and creativity.
Becoming an established blogger
It is not a difficult task to establish yourself as a blogger. Many well established bloggers have made money without ever having started a blog. You too can follow this same procedure and establish yourself as a blogger who makes money online. All that it requires is dedication and hard work. Once you start making money, you will never stop since blogging is a permanent source of income. You may become a financial commentator and help others make money also.
There is no limit to the amount of money that technical writers can make through blogging. This is because they can write about any subject and they do not need to have their own website to attract the readers. You can even talk about technical issues in your blogs and attract many readers. You can even provide tips and information related to technical writing on your blogging site. So make sure that you provide informative and interesting content in all your blog posts.