Do you want to evolve in the textile industry and become a fashion designer, fashion designer, accessory designer or textile designer? The Skill and You group presents its new school dedicated to the fashion professions: Fashion Skills. A school focused on creation and technique, offering many quality trainings, all at a distance. In the fashion designing colleges you can have the best deals now.
Fashion Skills: learn fashion from home
A field in which creativity and imagination go hand in hand with technology, fashion is more than ever present today, whether in the media or in people’s daily lives. A stimulating sector, it attracts many people who want to make their passion for textile making a job. Attractive, the textile industry remains extremely competitive and requires significant technical knowledge and a strong fashion culture. Adequate training is therefore essential.
It is to enable as many people as possible to acquire these skills that Skill and You one of the major players in distance education decided to found Fashion Skills. A distance school dedicated to fashion professions, it uses industry experts to develop a teaching method that combines quality and flexibility. These experts include David-Vincent Camuglio, stylist for more than 15 years and winner of the LVMH scholarship twice, or Julie Aymard, in charge of the creation of women’s accessories at Rochas for more than 11 years.
For optimal preparation, the school offers students digital lessons rich in tips and tricks, but not only. Know-how videos, corrected exercises and interactive quizzes are part of the educational tools designed by the teams of Fashion Skills. Thanks to its status as a distance school, Fashion Skills accepts registrations throughout the year and gives everyone the freedom to learn at their own pace.
Fashion Skills Training
To meet all the needs of the textile industry, Fashion Skills offers four vocational training courses and a diploma.
CAP Preparation Fashion Trades
One of the reference diplomas of the textile industry, the Fashion Trades CAP fuzzy garment makes it possible to acquire all the necessary skills for the professions of pattern maker, tailor, retoucher or model maker. Its owner masters all the techniques of creation of a garment and is an essential element of any fashion company. The CAP MMVF also allows a continuation of studies, in particular by passing the tests of the Tray Professional Trades fashion garment blur or the BP Custom-made tailoring blur.
Designer – fashion designer
In everyday life, the fashion designer creates the trends of tomorrow. His fashion culture and his different trends, his curiosity and his skills in textile making are a real asset to his career. Upon completion of their training, students in Fashion Skills’ Fashion Designer course will be able to design and edit models, build an A to Z collection, and create and read patterns. They can then practice their profession in various structures: ready-to-wear company, fashion house, craft companies or even trend offices.