IELTS is the ultimate grading exam that proves your proficiency in the English language and helps you study in your dream destination abroad. The application process for the IELTS exam might be a little tedious and will involve you candidates inputting a lot of information. Therefore, a thorough guide for the application process is required by all candidates to understand the process better.
What is the IELTS exam?
IELTS exam is the abbreviation of the International English Language Testing System that is conducted by the British Council along with other authorities. The examination can be attempted by anyone past the age of 16 for a variety of reasons from academics to residence or job. The exam paper will have three parts namely Reading, Writing, and Speaking in English. This exam will help you get placements in various countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the US, and the UK. It will test your performance and knowledge of the English language.
How to select the dates for the IELTS exam?
Selecting the examination date and venue is a grave task and needs to be done with utmost care. Candidates are required to make these selections during the application process itself and right before the IELTS exam fee payment. The dates cannot be changed so candidates should be well prepared with a tentative list before paying the IELTS fee. Here are the steps that you can follow to complete the selection process before the IELTS fee payment:
● Register at website
Candidates must first complete the registration process which must be done through the IDP IELTS portal. It can also be done in offline mode through various IDP offices in the country.
● Select the type of test you will be taking
The type of tests whether online or offline should be selected by candidates. This will also determine the IELTS exam fee amount and whether candidates may need to be present at an exam center.
● Choose the exam center from the options provided
Candidates will have to now select the venue of the exam in their preferred city or location. This selection will also determine the exam date available for the IELTS exam.
● Select your preferred date for the exam
The date on which you want to sit for your exam needs to be selected from the options given before the IELTS exam fee payment. In order to get an unavailable date, try to change the location and see the dates available for a different exam center.
● Pay the examination fee to complete the process
After you have selected the date, you simply need to make the IELTS exam fee payment through their online portal or physically visit the office and make the payment there.
With these simple steps, you can choose an exam date for the IELTS and pay your fee. For further information, you can visit https://leapscholar.com/blog/ielts-exam-fee-india-test-fee-scholarship/
Things go keep in mind while applying for the IELTS exam
Here are a few things to keep in mind about the application process from application to IELTS fee payment:
- Gather all the personal documents like passport, identity card, college and school documents, etc. beforehand.
- Make a list of all the exam centers that you can travel to in case your preferred location is unavailable.
- The IELTS exam fee is ₹14,000 and needs to be paid at the end of the application.
The IELTS might sound challenging but is an important exam that needs to be taken seriously if you want to live your dream of working abroad. Therefore it is necessary you follow these steps to properly apply for the exam and choose an exam date. Make sure you put in your best efforts to prepare for the exam and you will definitely ace the exam with the right preparation.