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A tutor is a private teacher that can work with your child to address their educational needs, boost their confidence, and get caught up at school. They are God sends for parents with busy schedules and their results certainly show through. A private girls school in Buckinghamshire shares 5 signs that suggest your child needs a tutor.

They Love Learning

If your child loves school, promptly does all their homework, and still has an itch to learn more, it might be a sign that they need a tutor. This can help them to reach their full potential and achieve more.

They Struggle to Concentrate

There are many reasons for poor concentration. A number of lifestyle factors such as poor sleep, underlying educational needs, difficulty, and general disinterest. A tutor can help to address 3 out of 4 of these issues by providing extra support outside of the classroom to go over work at a pace that suits them.

Finding Time

Homework is an important part of education as it teaches children how to deal with responsibilities, manage time and most importantly solidifies class work. As a working parent or a parent of a busy household, finding the time to can be challenging. This is where a tutor can help.

They Are About to Sit an Exam

A child’s future swings in the balance of their exam revision which can help them to secure places at top schools and colleges. With so much riding on it, it’s important for your child to revise properly and a tutor can help with this. 

They Struggle to Start Assignments

It’s not unusual for children to put off doing their homework but when it becomes a regular occurrence, it might be a sign that they’re struggling at school. Tutors are trained at breaking down information to deliver in dissectible ways and can give children the extra practice that they need to master subject areas.