The learning method has been changed a lot in the past two years. The global pandemic corona virus, also known as Covid-19, has destroyed and changed many things, including the learning method. Due to Covid-19, schools have been closed for months, and offline mode of learning becomes impossible. Offline learning was replaced by online learning. Let us discuss whether offline learning is better than online learning.
Student needs more concentration while learning. When they get distractions, they cannot concentrate on their studies. In online learning, they can easily get distracted because they are using mobile phones, laptops for attending online classes. Some researchers found the student’s attention span for a video to be 10-15 minutes only. In offline learning, you can’t get distracted because the entire classroom is filled with an atmosphere for learning, and the teacher will be fully focused on you.
Interaction with students:
The students and the teacher should have more interaction. In online learning, the students will not interact with the teacher even they are asked to respond. They will only log in to their class and will concentrate on some other works. In offline learning, the students will have group discussions; raise hands for questions, competition, etc., which will improve their learning skills. CBSE schools are best to have interaction with students in a friendly manner. Nagpur is the best for school educations. Look Best CBSE School in Nagpur is handling various methods to interact with their students.
Extracurricular activites:
Focusing only on academics is not a good thing. Extracurricular activities are important for physical fitness and improve brain functioning. There are two reasons to participate in extracurricular activities. One is personal interest in-game, and another is enjoying with friends and teamwork. It is not possible in online learning. You can play a few mind games, but you can’t play any physical fitness games. Offline learning is best for extracurricular activities. Best CBSE School in Nagpur develop student’s skill in extracurricular activites with the help of trained sports staff. In Extracurricular activates, students will come to know the joy of learning.
In online learning, the students will learn from videos, and there is no particular timing for observing that video. So students lack their time management in online learning, and there will be no discipline as they are not in direct control of the teachers. Students are instructed to come to schools on timing in offline learning, and they can learn punctuality only offline. If they are not following their punctuality, they will be punished by the teacher or school management.
Even though online learning is helpful in this pandemic situation to manage to learn, it has some drawbacks. Theoretical knowledge is not enough to develop the skills of the students. In online learning, you can’t learn anything practically. Computer classes must need practice. In offline mode, only you can learn so many things through practice. Practice makes students understand the concept easily. Computer lab, biological lab, chemistry lab should use for getting practical knowledge in that subject.
Bottom line:
Even though online class saves time, flexible timing, and location but offline mode is best for learning. Offline learning has a lively feel of learning, and it is more comfortable and efficient for secondary education where students also need to learn some social skills. You can prefer offline learning where it is possible and choose online learning only in unavoidable situations.