Graduates who have completed their MBA degrees are in very high demand. Just like Biotechnology courses which open up lots of pathways for developments in the field of biological sciences, an MBA course has a lot of demand. It has been found through surveys that most employers intend to hire MBAs. But what type of MBA do employers prefer and what are the job vacancies? Before you get into a BBA MBA integrated course, it is important that you find out some of the most lucrative jobs that you can do as an MBA graduate. Let us find the 3 best jobs after you complete your MBA degree.
- Financial Manager
In order to thrive in the competitive world, every business needs to manage their finances well so that they can run the businesses in such a way that they churn out good profits with minimal investments. That is why they depend on the expertise of financial managers. These managers are responsible for the management of money and investments. They oversee the budget process and create financial procedures. Financial managers are responsible for making the companies meet the fiscal objectives. They are also involved in activities like handling acquisitions and mergers, raising capital and addressing global financial transactions. A BBA MBA integrated course will help you understand the nooks of financial management.
- Marketing Manager
Another interesting job for MBA graduates is the role of a marketing manager. The marketing managers are responsible for helping companies extend into better markets and get new customers. The objective is to increase the profitability and sales of the company. These managers identify opportunities, research trends and develop the marketing campaigns accordingly. The managers also identify the competitive advantage of the company and sustain it. An MBA with specialization in marketing is sought by a lot of employers. In the high-tech industries, employers prefer candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in science or engineering and a Masters in business administration. These employees draw a huge salary every month. They vary with the experience of the candidates.
- Investment Banker
The investment bankers have the capability of helping organisation, companies and bankers to raise money in the capital markets. These investment bankers can also offer strategic advice about acquisitions and mergers and other financial transactions. These positions generally require very strong educational backgrounds, mostly an MBA. The best way to land a job as an investment banker is to get an MBA with a concentration in finance. It is difficult to guess the average salary of investment bankers. In addition to the annual salary, the total earnings are very high due to commissions and bonuses.
While Biotechnology courses will help you become renowned as a researcher, an MBA can help you land a job with a high salary. These are some of the most prospective jobs you can wish for. Graduating in an Integrated MBA course from NIIT University will secure your career financially.