Plants play a major role in our life. Without plants, there would be no more life existing on planet earth. Plants help us by providing food to eat, air to breathe, fabrics to cover our body, shelter, medicines, timbers and many products for human use. There are around three lakh identified plant species and this list is still increasing. All these plant species are further classified and classified into various groups based on their habitat, types of roots, leaves, flowering and non-flowering, seed-bearing, pollination process and lot more.
We found a huge number of plants which are useful in our day to day lives. Plants are smarter than we think, there are many more details about plants we don’t know yet – until today.
Let us learn about some interesting and amazing facts about the plants.
Here we go!
Fact -NO -1
Plants are the only living species in this planet that can manufacture their own food and this is mainly because of the presence of specialized structures in the plant cell.
Fact -NO -2
Among all the available plant species, approximately 50,000 – 60,000 species or a quarter of all flowering plants have monocot root. Plants with monocot root are called as the Monocotyledons, which are the most important organisms of the Plantae kingdom.
Fact -NO -3
Banana plants are the largest herb, which contains a natural chemical that can make people feel happy.
Fact -NO -4
Aspirin, a medication used to reduce pain and fever was first obtained from the barks of a willow tree.
Fact -NO -5
The world’s largest tropical rainforest, also called the Amazon rainforest is known for its largest producer of oxygen in the world.
Fact -NO -6
The wood of the Willow and Hickory tree are used to manufacture Cricket bats and Baseball bats.
Fact -NO -7
Australian eucalyptus is the tallest tree in the world and was measured 435 feet tall in the year 2015.
Fact -NO -8
The first potatoes were cultivated about 8,000 years ago in Peru, a country in South America.
Fact -NO -9
The evaporation of water from the leaves of the large oak tree is very high and is measured to be around ten to thirty gallons in 24 hours.
Fact -NO -10
Strawberry is the only fruit in the Plantae kingdom that bears its seeds on the outside of the fruit and on an average it has 200 seeds.
These were a few interesting and amazing facts about the plants. Apart from this, there are a lot more facts.
For more detailed information and facts about cell, plants, animals, and humans, students can visit our BYJU’S website and also subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel and enjoy by watching various Biology -related topics from various engaging video lessons provided in the channel.