The choice of the child’s daycare near me should be a thoughtful decision by the parents but also a matter of trust. Often, the problem is not the center to choose but to find a place in the desired daycare center.
However, in choosing the ideal kindergarten for the child, it is up to the parents to judge the affective climate, the style of relationships, and the forms of reception, among others. While it is true that the childcare center closest to home is often preferred for the sake of convenience, it is also possible to opt for one that is close to work or to the grandparents. However, many other aspects must be considered when choosing, such as space, activities, staff, and schedule.
To ensure that we leave our children in good hands, the first requirement is that the daycare center we choose is under the legal controls established by the state. If this is not the case, we may find unpleasant surprises: scarce and unqualified staff, overcrowded classrooms, meals without health controls, menus that do not meet the nutritional needs of the youngest children, lack of hygiene, dangerous facilities for children of these ages, etc.
The daycare centers must have qualified personnel. That is to say, the staff must have a degree in Childcare, Preschool Education, or Pedagogy for the first (0 to 3 years) and second cycle (3 to 6 years). In addition to the degree, the previous experience of the educators is essential. It is also vital that the staff is constantly renewed.
The number of educators should be equal to the number of classrooms, plus one.
- In the 0 to 1 year group, there should be a maximum of 8 children.
- In the 1 to 2-year-old group, a maximum of 13 children.
- In the 2 to 3-year-old group, a maximum of 20 students.
- From 3 to 6 years old, a maximum of 25.
Pre-school education (from 0 to 6 years of age) is the first educational stage. The idea of kindergarten as a “children’s parking lot” has been banished. We must choose centers with an academic plan that enhances children’s abilities from the earliest ages and not mere welfare approaches.
- The nursery school must have excellent and safe facilities.
- The school building should have few floors and easy access.
- The outdoor playground should be for the exclusive use of the nursery school (not shared with children of higher stages) and be perfectly fenced. Its size should not be less than 246 ft, and it should have safe play elements, sandy areas, and shaded areas.
- It should have an indoor room (at least 98 ft.) for various activities: from recess on rainy days to psychomotor classes, school parties, or talks for the parents of the students.
- The school must have all the necessary safety measures: protected sockets, light switches away from the children’s little hands, door stops to prevent them from catching their fingers, etc.
- The classroom must have natural light and proper ventilation.
- The first cycle classrooms (0-3 years) should have a minimum area of two square meters per child.
- It should have toilets adapted to the children’s size and a sleeping area away from the play area.