Employees monitoring has become almost a necessity for most businesses, especially those operating in remote corners of the world in order to track their employees and their work outputs in real time.
Below are few important Q & A about such monitoring software and surveillance facts.
Questions and Answers
Q1. Is it easy to track employees remotely?
Answer: With latest software it has become quite simple to track employees working remotely in real time. This is especially so in case of employees working from home and has been issued a ‘shelter in place’ order for residents.
Q2. Is it possible to track employees at any particular job they are assigned?
Answer: Yes, it is quite possible to track employees at work with help of software during copying, editing, uploading, deleting, emailing and printing of files and so on.
Q3. What good does it do to employees?
Answer: Employees are more focused in their work. Again, those employees that are paid for time spent on a job and speed incentive gain out of this.
Q4. Do Employees have any Rights against such snooping?
Answer: Employees have only minimal rights against such snooping currently and they can approach Privacy Rights Clearinghouse for this.
Q5. What are the risks to business if no such surveillance is done?
Answer: Modern businesses are often at risk due to employees engaging in prohibited activities, personal emailing and internet browsing and employees engaging in work politics and unethical behaviors.
Q6. Is such surveillance beneficial to hard working and honest employees?
Answer: It is very beneficial to hard working and honest workers. Since, they are monitored a mistake that is not made by them is quickly detected. Again, there is absolute transparency on actual incentives due to them. They can also clarify their mistakes that have not been intentionally made by them. Honest employees can be easily handpicked for future promotions in the business.
Q7. What sort of software is best for this?
You have several standard software programs available including team monitoring software such that businesses can effectively monitor the progress and problems faced by teams working from far off places. It is also legal to monitor your employees in most parts of the world.
Q8. Is it possible for business to monitor several multiple activities from one place?
Answer: Yes, this is possible with latest software programs whereby several activities is monitored from a single screen aided by an activity monitoring program.