Your readers are grateful if you use verbs. Because with these “Tu-words” you automatically have to say that someone “does” something. This makes the text livelier, and you are more likely to write actively and not passively. In any case, something happens in your sentences, your readers can imagine who is acting and what is actually happening.
It is much more informative and illustrative when you write: “The Ministry of the Environment rejects diesel purchase incentives”, for example: “No diesel purchase incentives” or “diesel purchase incentives rejected”.
As you add more verbs to your vocabulary, be sure to delete something else: stelined nouns. This refers to word constructions in which a verb is formed from a verb, sometimes also from an adjective. The choices for the writing services are there now also.
The result is terms that are read but rarely or never used in spoken language. Substantivings are often recognized by endings such as -ung, -keit or -heit, but there are others. For example, attack, loneliness, examination, leg posture. When you turn these words into verbs and adjectives again, reading your online texts is much easier. So better tackle, investigate, be lonely, involve (or better yet contain).
Write succinctly
When writing, think of “KISS”. It means neither the hard rock band nor a kiss you should give to someone. Behind the term is a memorable formula that you can transfer to all online texts: Keep it short and simple. Or in German: Keep it short and simple. We have already talked about the simple, we now devote ourselves to the short.
Use short words rather than long when writing online texts. Terms with more than four or five syllables are difficult to skim and sound complicated. Write in short sentences, preferably mainly in main sentences. A sentence does not need more than eight to at most twelve words. So you have an idea: this one had eleven words.
Some sentences are longer – but they do not seem overloaded. The trick: The dynamics is created by punctuation marks:
- colon
- Indent.
Both provide for a break in the sentence and loosen it up. The content and message are easier to understand – and more understandable. It also highlights the separated parts of the set.
Make more paragraphs than too few when writing online texts. This can better scan your reader, and that seems much less exhausting.
Online Texts: Write clearly and for the readers
Who does bait have to taste? The fish or the angler? That’s clear, you say. Of course the fish. And you are right, of course. But why are many online texts complicated, difficult to understand and consist of long sentences? Even the text does not have to “taste” the one who writes it. He is there for the reader alone.
Let’s look at an example. What do you say to the following sentence: “The schedule for the work in line for the Whitsun holidays for Line 2 is shifting.” The wording certainly comes from an authority. The editors have taken them unchecked in the text. Do you know what the statement is about? No? Well, the reader is not. In fact, the sentence and its contents are far too abstract and too vivid.