The value of education is to bring the right attitude in every aspect of life. This attitude can be incorporated easily in young minds. Primary education is very important to improve the lives of young empowering minds. Education must be multifaceted to support child life in every dimension. Apart from the regular curriculum, education must also encourage skill development. The higher preference should be given to the girl child than the male child in education, to give independence in every walk of life.
Issues Faced by Girl Child in the Primitive Society
Most of the societies across the world presume the girl children as a burden to the family. They do not want to take up the parenting responsibility of the girl child. The girl is married to the men with a greater age difference. The young girl will now take up the responsibility of running the family. These girls will be left without any support when the sudden death of her husband happens. These girls should be helped by giving education. Education will help these girls to lead an independent life. The process of educating the girl child will improve the financial condition of a family to a greater extent.
Initiatives of self-motivated NGO Organizations
There several individuals across the world to develop the life of the girl child through education. These individuals are encouraged to form an NGO. These NGOs are functioning as a nonprofit group. They source funding from all the sources to support girl child education. They take a field surrey in their locality. The NGO will conduct many events regarding the benefits of girl children’s education. These organizations are conducting skill development programs in their locality to the girl children to help them in their education. These groups will conduct lots of skill-based competitions to give the girl child with international recognition. This will also help to increase the foreign funds. They also give counseling to the parents to give education to the girl children.
Supports Provided by Government
The government has introduced the rights to education act. The denial of education to the girl child is strictly against law in India. The government provides lots of funds and freebies to encourage girl child education. The infrastructures like toilets which are built and maintained healthy in all the government schools. Many government schools also arrange morning foods for girl children. The government also funds the girl child in higher education.
Efforts are taken to educate the rural children
The rural children have many issues like long-distance travel. The government is taking lots of initiatives to improve the infrastructure in these villages. The government provides various schemes to encourage the parents to give education. The hostel facilities are also provided in some government schools to encourage girl children’s education.
Final Words
The girl children should be given quality education to lead freedom of life. Gender equality is maintained by giving education to the girl child. The women are improved a lot economically and professionally by the reforms in education by the government.