As the coronavirus has swept the United States, universities have been compelled to take the vast majority of courses online. This initiative has encumbered institutions with an array of technological challenges in taking classrooms into the digital realm; it has also presented challenges to students, who must adapt their learning styles and study strategies to the new reality of online classes. Unemployed Professors wants to do its part in helping students adapt to this new paradigm. Here are five proven strategies for success in online studies.
- Self-Accountability: Many online learning experiences do not feature a professor. Therefore, there aren’t the same number or frequency of reminders about assignment due dates. Thus, it is incumbent on the student to be accountable. One way to do this is to enter all the due dates in your calendar at the beginning of the semester, and set up reminders which indicate when studying should begin and end. By time-blocking – allotting a certain amount of total study time to each project or assignment – optimal results can be achieved. It is also prudent to pair with classmates to hold one another accountable in adhering to the pre-appointed study schedule.
- Establish a Regular, Quiet Study Space: Having a dedicated learning environment can help optimize study because it helps to eliminate distraction and boost productivity. Choose your study space according to your circumstances and preferences. For some, it might be more efficient to study at the kitchen table; for others, being too close to food and commotion might invite distraction. Some common features of a good study space are
- High-speed Internet connection
- Immediate access to required textbooks, readings, and software
- Laptop and headphones to listen privately to lectures and other audio materials
- Participate Actively: Engage with peers in the course’s online forum. Interaction and collaboration will help eliminate confusion and consolidate knowledge of course material. By posting a question about a project, or responding to a peer’s inquiry or posted assignment, a refined grasp of the readings and concepts can be attained.
- Develop Necessary Technical Skills: Basic technical skills are requisite to success in the online learning milieu. These include: creating new documents, using word processing programs, navigating the Internet, and downloading software. Students should take advantage of any orientation available for online courses. It would also be wise for those who are true digital neophytes to avail themselves of an online tutorial designed to teach computing basics. Finally, check the school’s website for hardware and software requirements, and make sure your computer is compliant.
- Scholastic Competence in Reading and Writing: Verbal communication is not at a premium in online learning; instead of speaking in class, there will be an emphasis on written communication in online learning. If this is a weakness for you, it will be necessary to purchase a basic style guide. The classic in this category is The Elements of Style, though there are many other worthy candidates.
Bottom-line: be driven, be organized, communicate, and write competently. You will do well in online learning if you can accomplish these basic goals.
With that in mind, ask the team of academic professionals at UnemployedProfessors.com any questions you may have regarding their college writing services and they will be more than happy to guide you along the arduous path!