There are many social and human interest people all over the world. These people are willing to render any help at any time. Organizing these peoples is an enormous process. The help rendered by these peoples should be streamlined to individuals with urgent needs. The perfect organization structure will do this process in an inappropriate manner. The NGO brings the perfect bonding between the social interests of individuals. The flow of funds in these NGO is very transparent. The funding to these NGO is legal in all of the countries in the world. The following are some of the positive initiatives taken by youth NGO in India.
Preserving Nature Resources
The members of the youth ngo are mostly young and strong adults. They possess various interpersonal skills. The natural resources in India are diminishing predominantly. The water scarcity exists in almost all parts of India. The natural water reservoirs like lakes and ponds are occupied by many illegal residents. There is a lot of dust and unwanted plants in the waterways of these reservoirs. The volunteers in the youth NGO will actively participate in cleaning these reservoirs. They are also establishing alternative residents to the people dwelling in the lakes. The water scarcity in rural India is taken care of by these NGO. They will dig deep wells to reduce water scarcity. They also take up various demonstrations against government projects, which destroys the forests.
Ensuring Social Harmony
Social harmony means ensuring a safe and healthy life for all individuals. This should be applied to all sects of society. The youth NGO is actively participating in demonstrations against government policies affecting social harmony. They are also giving constructive decisions to improve the economy of the country. They also render physical help and medical assistance to the people affected by government decisions. They are giving their contributions to preventing crime against women. NGOs are providing legal help to victimized women.
Creating Jobs in Society
This NGO consists of lots of young people who know the suffering of unemployment. They are having mutual understanding between the successful industries in their localities. They conduct employment camps for skilled individuals. They also conduct various skill development activities in their area. They conduct training from standard corporate to increase the market valued to skill to get high paying jobs. The role of jobs ngo is remarkable in creating opportunities.
Supporting Self Employment
These NGO are taking initiatives to promote a self-independent lifestyle in society. They are supporting the co-operative farming among farmers. They are providing financial supports to dairy farms. They are providing all types of support to rural-based businesses. They are providing economic funding to the persons in urban areas also. These NGOs encourage self-employment through various types of initiatives.
Final Words
The youth who participated in NGO is agile and active throughout India. They are providing various benefits to all types of people in Indian society. The government takes various policy decision-based on advice provided by these NGO.