For you to excel in writing, you need to prepare and plan yourself. The plan normally has everything that you need to know about a particular strategy you intend to follow. From your plan, you will be able to win any free writing contests that you enter. These contests require you to write well and sometimes this might mean you do adequate research. The main reason for this is because there are many writers around and if you stand a chance of beating them, then you need to prepare yourself accordingly. Below are simple tips that can help you prepare or develop a strategy that will work in your favour;
- Get to know your organisers or even the event
One of the greatest favours you can do to yourself is by making sure that you have knowledge about your organisers or even event. This is necessary since it will help you know what you are working with. Free writing competitions require you to be at your best. This means doing more research about your organisers and getting to know what they are made of. In addition, you also need to look into the contest itself find out which genre it features and if it suits you.
- Time and deadline
Before you can join any free writing contests always ensure that you have evaluated yourself. Do you have enough time? It will be very careless of you to join a writing competition knowing that you don’t have enough time to write the required piece. First of all, always ensure that you consider your schedule. The other reason for this is that all these competitions have deadlines on when you should have submitted your work. If you don’t submit it on time, then you will automatically be disqualified. Also, you shouldn’t work under pressure so that you can beat the deadline. Always ensure that you have enough time so that you can produce amazing work.
- Requirements
How often do you go through the requirements of most free writing competitions? For instance, some events have age restrictions and other open events for everyone. These requirements are definitely going to vary from one writing contest to another. You need to narrow your sights to the category you are interested in participating in. If you meet all the requirements, then you can move forward and start strategizing on how you will win the whole writing competition.