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Kids are gifted with inborn creativity and powerful imaginations, and as a parent it is our responsibility to find out their talents and give them the right platform to showcase their skills.  A study conducted by the NASA scientists among 1,600 kids of 4-5 year olds, stated that about 98% of them recorded “genius” grades on imagination. Whereas the same kids, when re-tested overtime, their scores got “poorer”, and only 2% of the kids were recorded in the genius category. 

Why is Creativity Essential?

In the 21st century, with the evolving technology and the demand for creative skills, it requires more exercises that instil creativity in children. Without this skill, most students are at the stake of falling short on their true potential and landing on the right profession. So, it is important to find the right child care Five Dock that allows children to turn their average ideas into amazing results. 

Simple Ways to encourage a child’s imagination:

  • Through Play – Pretending dramatic play can encourage kids to use their creativity and open up their ideas or feelings. The Teachers of child care centre Five Dock are experts and can help them in the pretend play. The care givers can also encourage them to play freely with a range of exciting activities like storytelling, puppet play etc.
  • Offer necessary supplies for Creative Expression – The kids must be supplied with necessary resources like – colours, craft items, toys etc. to get their creativity flowing. The best child care Five Dock NSW, gives children the necessary space that helps them to come out with creative ideas in the best possible way.
  • Engage in Imaginative Questions – This will allow the kids to know and understand new things and take in fresh ideas in exclusive ways. The teachers at child care Five Dock usually sit with the child and indulge in open-ended questions, with a picture, like – what is in the picture, what are the people doing in the picture, how it feels to be that bird, etc., to encourage the imaginative skills. 
  • Engage in Story Telling – Kids love stories.  Stories have the magic to capture the attention of kids and spark interest in them. Story telling is the best way to promote creativity and take them to a world of imagination. When kids listen to the stories, it helps develop their vocabulary, language skills, Psychology, ethics and imaginative abilities. 

Most kids learn from watching their parents and teachers, so, it is imperative join the kids when they are involved in a drawing or colouring session. Also, never force a child to engage in any activity, if he or she shows less or no interest. If you compel them, their attention is sure to dwindle quickly. Most of all, you must understand that the creative process is a choice to be delighted in and it must never become a boredom task.