May 5, 2024

In Singapore, there are different types of kindergarten where you can apply your kid. Choosing a kindergarten in Singapore is a big task because you would want what is the best for your children. It might take you a great deal of time researching the best preschool that would suit the needs of your child.

After all, going to preschool is your kids’ introduction to their first classroom setting. It is important the preschool environment and curriculum are what your children need. This way, they can adjust better when they transition to preschool life.

Let us discuss the different types of kindergarten in Singapore to help you decide which one is the best fit.

Spontaneous Learning Preschools

The Montessori program is among curriculums that an international preschool in Singapore adopts. This program encourages learning through free play in an environment optimally designed for conducive learning. It is deemed as a fen and indirect way of learning, which has been successful all over the world, including in Singapore. Under this program, the teacher is only there to supervise and step in when the kids are picking up an incorrect habit. Basically, they let the kids learn for themselves spontaneously. It is a school of thought that is usually suitable for most children as this encourages them to grow and adapt.

Relationship-Based Learning Childcare Centers

The learning process in this type of kindergarten program highlights the development of interpersonal skills. Relationship-based learning is aimed at honing the children by helping them understand their relationships with other people, including the adults, kids of the same age, and even with the environment.

It is a type of learning based on experiences and ideas that we live in a world made up of relationships. This way, the school can teach the children the many appropriate ways of expressing themselves. Relationship-based learning teaches the kids how to listen to the adults. At the same time, it also teaches the parents how to understand their kids better.

Play-Based Learning Preschools

Early childhood education experts have been saying that children learn best when they are involved in engaging activities, allowing them to interact with other kids and their environment. One of the activities they usually find interesting is playing, of course. A play-based program stimulates a child’s interest for proactive learning. It also provides them with different scenarios were the following skills are being tested:

  • Social skills
  • Communication skills
  • Conflict resolution
  • Patience with following instructions

There is so much more that playing can teach your child. It allows them to have fun while learning.

Enroll your kids at Pegasus International School. Your kids will find learning enjoyable with the help of our excellent teachers. What are you waiting for? Contact us for more information.