It is every parent’s dream to see their children succeeding in school and becoming the top in their class. And, for a child to have the motivation to aim higher, the parents must be there to offer their support. Parents are the first teachers that children have, and a child’s first motivation is definitely from the parents. Perhaps your child is in one of the best Preschools in Longmont CO, what are some of the tips you can follow to make them successful?
- Create a routine
First and foremost, ensure that you sit down with your child and agree on a routine. Get to know the school schedule of your child in terms of the time they leave school and when they get home. Ensure that they at least get at least an hour break to refresh and rejuvenate before getting back to their books. However, you need to put your foot down to ensure that your child sticks to the routine.
- Create a conducive learning environment
Find a spot that has fewer distractions for your child to be able to concentrate while doing their homework. Switch off the TV, the radio and even put the phones on silent. Also, ensure that the lighting in the room is perfect and that the seat is comfortable too.
- Help your child with homework
Develop a habit of helping your child with homework once in a while. Sometimes, your presence is enough to keep them motivated to do better. You can choose to sit with them as you do your job and if they ask for assistance, help them. Also, countercheck their assignments every day to be sure that they completed the work. Often, preschool students are cheeky and will try and pretend to have finished the work only for you to be summoned by the teachers that your child did not complete their assignments.
- Attend parents-teachers meetings
Teachers spend most of the time with your children, which means that they are at an upper hand to notice any changes in your child’sperformance. As such, when called upon for the parent’s meetings, make sure that you show up. These meetings are a great way of knowing how your child is performing in school and also gives you insight into how you can help your child perform better.
- Encourage them to aim higher
As a parent, you need to encourage your children every single day. There are times that they might fail their exams; do not scold them, but try and find out why they performed poorly. Yes, it is necessary to be tough once in a while, but do not go overboard. Motivate your children every day and even make promises time and again, that if they perform better, you will buy them something and so on.