We all know that for searching a decent job, qualifications and credentials matter a lot. However, at the present time, international proprietors use the internet to screen their candidates.LinkedIn is a well-known platform for the professionals and being found init is essential today.
Even if you are fortunately employed or running your own business successfully, LinkedIn is crucial. For ESL teaching professionals, this platform matters a lot. For 2021, being found in LinkedIn is important for a successful ESL job search as LinkedIn for teachers, this is the current demand. Also, you need to expand your profile’s ranking in search results in order to grab a good opportunity.
Why is LinkedIn presence important? Well, LinkedIn is the world’s largest online social platform geared toward career development.But how can LinkedIn help get a new ESL teaching position? Most professionals have a LinkedIn profile now, and if you are searching for a new job, it is a perfect platform compared to all other social sites.
Do you know there are ways to optimize LinkedIn profile for teachers to get yourself noticed?
Well, listed below, are some of the essential tips for effective LinkedIn visibility:
- A Professional Headshot
If you have a professional photo then be sure to embrace it on your profile. If you don’t have it then try to pick a high-quality photo if possible.Make sure you look presentable and professional and smile!Avoid photos of your pets, apprentices, school logos or photos and so on. Remember, LinkedIn is for professionals so try to maintain it.
- Descriptive Headline
Try to create a catchy and keyword-rich headline.Make sure to comprise a descriptive headline that sums up your experience. For ideas, you may look at other educators on LinkedIn for encouragement. Also, include your location and industry in this section of your profile.
The picture shows how a freelance writer has uploaded her keyword-rich headline.
- Summary
Try to add a summary that highlights your experience and supports your career development areas. Incorporate the teaching strategies of your choice and demonstrate your leadership potential.You can keep it brief and sweet here and try to use as many keywords connected to the role you’re looking for. You may search job boards like Indeed.com, etc. which has an on-site Keyword Research Tool, Google’s Keyword Planner is also an excellent research tool. For example, if you’re teaching the young learners, you may try to mention the words “ESL teaching the young learners” at least once in the body of your summary.
- Connect with Recruiters
Try to connect with different recruiters, in-house corporate recruiters, hiring professionals, etc. that can help you in your job search. You may also reach out to previous co-workers, managers, and college graduates. Inquire if they know of any job openings that may be a fit for you. While requesting them, try to avoid overworked phrases like hard-working, punctual, detail-oriented, organized, etc. Instead of that, write about examples in which these qualities of yours facilitated you to overcome a challenge.
- Turn The “Open to Work”
Well, it’s important to keep your profile up-to-date and change your status to “open to work” if you are in a job-hunt. Recruiters who are looking to fill their vacant positions will search the related keywords to find candidates. This way, the ESL recruiters will find you in their search results.
- Join Groups
Try to request to join up to 100 groups initially. Remember, the larger the number of groups that you are a member of, the more you intenselyupsurge your reach. If possible, become an active partaker by sharing useful as well asrelatedposts to the groups. This demonstrates your passion for the field and also, the recipients will be obliged. Also, try to contribute to conversations in these groups. If someone posts a question, then we recommend offering an answer. Maybe you can start your own conversation—putting yourself as a thought leader.
- More Flexibility with LinkedIn
Well, there is more flexibility with LinkedIn than with a static resume/cv. Update your profile with the words, vocabulary, corporate catchwords, insider jargon and industry-anachronisms that the ESL recruiters would likely search. Remember, youraim is to plan an SEO-friendly LinkedIn bio that will fascinate the hiring managers along with the recruiters to your profile when they conduct searches for aspirants in your field of expertise.
- Build Your Connection
Invite people to join your network continuously. The more connections you have, the better your prominence becomes. Click “Like” on someone else’s update or you can comment too, tips like these will help you get observed, which upsurges the chances of others recognizing you and, ultimately, getting a good new job. Also, if you have friends and colleagues from previous employment, study experiences then LinkedIn is the place to recouple and stay in touch with them. You should aim to have at least 200-500 connections.
- Achievements
Like your resume/cv, reveal and communicate applicable accomplishments to add commendably. Try to use numbers to highlight your achievements whenever possible, it is just like in your resume. Whether they are your career highlights in the summary of achievements in individual roles, using numbers shows the reader a context and boosts your trustworthiness.Contain any related volunteer work to demonstrate your additional teaching-related assistances that you did not have a chance to show as a part of your systematic teaching job.
- Stay Active
Try to stay active on LinkedIn as it ranks people who are usually active on the network. Through this, you can simply get more profile views by using the site like you would Facebook or Twitter, etc.You may also post an update to LinkedIn like you would any other social media site, share links to things you’ve read/seen that you like, post career lessons or stories. You can also ask questions, and comment on posts from people in your network.The less active and noticeable you are on LinkedIn, the lower your name will perhaps appear in LinkedIn search results.
Well, apart from the above-mentioned suggestions, make sure you follow these basic guidelines:
- Avoid a “private” profile, make your profile a public one
- Use your professional name
- Comprise your current (or your target) place
- Share your LinkedIn URL to others
- Keep your profile Up-to-Date
- Include your contact information
- Add a cover image
- Modify your privacy settings
- Follow influencers and companies
The Bottommost Line
Well, we would like to recommend avoid putting your current employment at risk that you may get with an ESL certification. By following these simple tips and keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date, you’ll be able to take benefit ofgrabbing a good ESL job.87% of recruiters use LinkedIn as part of their recruiting process. Here, you may think why the employers are searching your online profiles, they may have numerous reasons to find your online accounts and analyze your online presence. Some of them may be:
- Confirming the information on your resume as well as job application by looking at your online profiles
- Perceiving your online behavior
- Assessing your communications skills and digital savviness
- Determining whether you are a good fit for the job or not
So, you have to make sure that your online presence is up to the mark with a 21st century ESL teaching certificate to support your credentials! So, frequently update your profile to keep it searchable and highly ordered.